Guided self-help

What we offer

As part of our NHS Talking Therapies service, the guided self-help service is delivered by Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs). They are trained Mental Health practitioners who have a specific focus on delivering low intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) interventions for people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression.

The work they do focuses on teaching people to use evidence-based CBT techniques to improve their mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety. The team offer short term treatment interventions such as:

  • 1:1 support, often via the telephone, for low mood, sleep problems and anxiety disorders (such as phobias, panic and worry)

  • SilverCloud, a clinician supported online CBT-based programme

  • Courses based on CBT for worry management, improving low mood, stress reduction and building confidence

Higher intensity talking therapies treatments, such as a course of one-to-one CBT sessions or a group programme, are offered by our Talking Therapies team.


other Support for Adults:

Referral Form

Refer yourself for any support from the Adult Wellbeing Service by completing this online form

one to one sessions

You may be offered 1:1 treatment. This will be a short term intervention which will be focused on noticing current behaviours and thoughts that may be increasing symptoms.

This takes place through a series of around four weekly telephone sessions booked for the same time each week. We offer a limited number of face to face appointments for people that have specific requirements.

SilverCloud - Online Supported CBT 

What is SilverCloud?

SilverCloud is a safe and secure online space offering personalised programmes to help people experiencing a wide range of psychological and emotional problems. Once registered, you can complete modules chosen by your own online supporter at your own pace, where and when it suits you. You’ll also have access to a variety of tools that help you with setting goals, problem solving and other practical life skills. SilverCloud is a flexible solution – access it anywhere, on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Who is it suitable for?

SilverCloud is suitable for people aged 18 and over. It can help with a wide range of conditions, including depression, stress, social anxiety, health anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder.

How do I access it?

You can access SilverCloud via your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

You will need to make a referral to the service via our self-referral form or via your GP or another professional to access SilverCloud. If decided at your assessment that SilverCloud is the best option for you, you will be sent registration details.

To register you will need to set up a username and password to get access to your secure homepage. You will then be contacted by a supporter, who will be a qualified mental health professional working in the Wellbeing Service, and modules will be chosen for you to work through. You can personalise this page and use it to contact your supporter. You’ll also be able to keep an online journal while you work through your programme.


We offer courses in a small group based setting (no more than 12 people). A course introduces you to other people who are experiencing similar difficulties and guides you through a range of techniques and skills that would help to make changes and overcome your difficulties.

The courses are not run like group therapy. You don’t have to share any detail about your personal life. The whole focus is on the here and now and what you can do differently to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

The courses are grounded in a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach. During your first session, the course facilitator will explain the principles of CBT as an introduction to the course. If you wish to read more about it before your session, you can look on the NHS Choices website.

Courses currently on offer include:

  • Dealing with worry

  • Managing your mood

  • Managing your stress


“More of this courses should be made available very very helpful, I would strongly advise anyone to go on this course, thanks very much”

“Excellent course. Very very helpful to my recovery. I highly recommend others to take the plunge and sign up for this course. It is excellent to helping to understand your depression, meeting like-minded people, reducing isolation and taking active steps towards feeling better.”

Service user